Over 100 hundred listings and counting
14th February 2017
Belper Directory

Belper’s (Business Directory) is Growing!
Belper Directory was created in June 2015 by Husband and Wife team, Rhys & Rebecca Adams, with the help of Adam Gadsby. There aim was to create one website that residents and visitors of Belper, could visit to get services and things to do in one place.
Belper Directory now has 119 listings as of today, they range from local restaurants to ironing services, hairdressers to web developers and it keeps on growing.
There are downsides to the popularity, the website itself receives at least 3 new submissions everyday. However these can be from anywhere in the UK, with listing submissions from companies such as Andover Dental Care and Aberdeen Car Leasing firms. As the website is human verified, its quite difficult to get the listing published without someone ticking the box.
All business based in and around Belper can add their business or service for free, there are packages available that cost, however these are only there for the extra exposure and to support the running costs of the website.
For more information on Belper Directory, contact High Heel Creative on 01773 252250 or email. info@belperdirectory.uk
Are you an event organiser in Belper?
If you are in charge or organising and promoting events in the Belper area, then give us a shout. It doesn’t matter if you run the local Weight Watchers group, toddlers event or maybe you have your hand in sorting out the farmers market or the Belper Art’s festival… We want to help you promote your event or meetings.
We can provide you with a special login to add events in the local area to the website, these get fed through to our facebook page automatically and we will soon be adding a special connection with Google to feed these events onto their search listings. Please do get in touch.
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